It’s a vexing question as to whether one should get better at the things one is already good at or has a natural affinity for, or should one try to get better at the things one is not so good at.
Our education system, don’t get me started, seems to favour the latter, but in the world of work, what is best?
My view is that you should really plough the furrow of the things you are good at and probably therefore like doing, but with one caveat. If you run an SME business you need to make sure all the jobs get done, by people either inside or outside the business best equipped, experienced or able to do those things. Maybe your job is to work out what needs to get done, and then enable those people to get it done.
I know, easier said than done.
In my role as a franchise consultant, maybe I am being disingenuous for the sake of this post, I am probably a jack of several trades. I am not an IP expert, but we do a lot of trademarking work. I am not a funding expert but our clients get the benefit of my Start Ups Loan knowledge and asset finance contacts. I am no lawyer but I see a lot of franchise agreements. And I do not have a recruitment background but we have sold thousands of franchises.
So, being a jack of all those trades, I would like to think makes us at Lime Licensing group masters of one.
It’s called a niche, and that niche is being knowledgeable, connected, professional and team oriented franchise consultants.
Long live the jacks of some trades that become the masters of one.