Who’s the odd one out?

Who’s the odd one out? Fire, Fire, Fire….not what you want to hear in your workplace. The safety of those entering your space can be a challenge for the best of business owners and leaders. Some can afford health and safety teams and others are trying to multitask and cope.

Inspecting and certificating fire alarm systems is a responsibility that should be trusted to but a few. Those few should be able to demonstrate their skills, their knowledge, their experience, and ooze personal responsibility for caring that a job is done well to protect you, your teams and others.

So ‘Who’s the odd one out?’………….it may amaze you to know that it’s the fire alarm engineer photo, as all the others need a licence.

The fisherman a licence to fish on that private lake, the family a licence to watch that TV, the gas safe engineer to inspect that boiler, but a fire alarm engineer needs no qualification, no licence, no evidence of skills, but offers to protect your life and those you care for.

I cannot allow that at Brodman, so every engineer I deploy carries a Level 3 qualification in fire alarms, so we can reassure you that we install, commission and test to the latest and highest UK standards.

Brodman does this locally for customers across GEM (Great East Midlands), and then we partner with other members just like Brodman, within THE UKSI. The UKSI is a network of likeminded businesses who cover the country, to provide market leading fire and security services, to support multi site and national users, from the tip of Scotland to Lands End and the white cliffs of Dover.

+ So local or national I can help

+ Big or small, I can help

+ Near of far, I can help

– Unqualify have a good hero’s? maybe look elsewhere.

Brodman – qualified staff first and always.

Graham Bettany MIFSM MIFPO


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